Congrats! I've been here since 11/18/15. I was planning DS' 16th bday trip and now he's almost 26! We had been a Birnbaum WDW family before TP.
8:58am on 2/6/25 by
8:58am on 2/6/25 by
April 2009 here. Wow coming up on 16 years.
8:59am on 2/6/25 by
2021! A dear friend looped me in and I've been hooked since.
8:59am on 2/6/25 by
Congrats and Yay! First read Len's book in 2006. Joined online in March 2012 while standing in MK outside the Space Mt entrance, lol. Finally got brave enough to chat in 2013!
9:03am on 2/6/25 by
Member since 14 Feb 2010. Valentines Day Liner!
9:03am on 2/6/25 by
Ali Ababwa
July 2013!
9:04am on 2/6/25 by
Feb 2013! Joined when DD was 20 months and DS was 6! DS is now 18 and graduating HS in May and DD going to HS in the fall. How time flies! And thanks for the reminder that I need to renew.
9:04am on 2/6/25 by
2007 :) time flys . Yep I know
9:14am on 2/6/25 by
October 2013
9:26am on 2/6/25 by
Wow 2014!!!
9:45am on 2/6/25 by
Happy Linerversary, all!! Joined 2/4/2012!! My mom turned me on to Chat and I have never looked back!! Thanks, all for the laughs and wisdom!!
9:47am on 2/6/25 by
Happy Linerversary! March 2016 for me.
9:50am on 2/6/25 by
Happy liner anniversary! I lurked on page one for a very long time. Finally paid for the app (my 1st paid app) September 14,2012. I tend to subscribe for years at a time. 3 1/2 years before I could expire but most likely I will extend early again.
9:54am on 2/6/25 by
Member since 2/2015
10:29am on 2/6/25 by
July 2018, though I was a lurker before that
10:30am on 2/6/25 by
April 2018! Only 13 days until next trip!
10:30am on 2/6/25 by
2007 @burfe! Nice one. That's pretty close to the start I'd guess.
11:13am on 2/6/25 by
Congrats on the Liner-versary and subscription renewal @shock! November 2016 for me. It took me awhile to feel comfortable saying anything on Chat and even now I am more of a lurker with less than 2000 posts.
11:25am on 2/6/25 by
8/2015 - I was on here before that but lost my first account. Also my Mom bought and shared Len's book in 2005.... ish. It's been a great community!
11:33am on 2/6/25 by
1/20/2019. On the drive home from a funeral knew I needed something happy to do so I signed up. Had already read UG for years, but first time I joined this great community.
11:40am on 2/6/25 by
3-11-2009 for me. Happy TP Anniversary @shock!
12:02pm on 2/6/25 by
It's my 10 year anniversary this week!
12:15pm on 2/6/25 by
12/27/2012 for planning a Spring break trip. I am a total lurker with 874 chats. Lots of great tips here!
12:38pm on 2/6/25 by
February 12, 2012! I can't remember planning Disney without you guys!
12:42pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined Sept 1, 2010 for a March 2011 first trip for my kids then 3 and 5. First chat post was 8/10/2012. I didn't know chat existed for that first trip. I actually used Tour Guide Mike more than TP for that first one.
12:42pm on 2/6/25 by
I never realized we could check our FIRST CHAT! Mine was 6/6/2010 or thereabouts (not sure how they are sorted). Jeez, my kids were only 7 then.
1:04pm on 2/6/25 by
Ali Ababwa
Joined 4/2/2011 with many amazing trips since then thanks to the collective Liner knowledge!
1:04pm on 2/6/25 by
March 2014. As we know, chat and personalized TP are worth their weight in gold. Have made me a hero to fam. Can't imagine navigating the parks w/o the personalized TP.
1:12pm on 2/6/25 by
Sept 15th, 2015 before first trip Dec 1, 2015. Didn't have to pay anything for the 1.5 year old then. March will be trip #8 and will pay adult pricing for tickets and food and all for him for the first time. This puts it in perspective for me.
1:13pm on 2/6/25 by
**Also, can't imagine navigating w/o you guys. The amount of knowledge here is amazing, especially with all the latest changes at disney.
1:22pm on 2/6/25 by
**Also, can't imagine navigating w/o you guys. The amount of knowledge here is amazing, especially with all the latest changes at disney.
1:22pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined on Nov. 23, 2017. It changed our trips from feeling chaotic and crowded to streamlined and ready to pivot. Liners are a great group.
1:23pm on 2/6/25 by
hmm must have wanted to express that twice!
1:23pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined in 2010
1:26pm on 2/6/25 by
April 2010! More than a decade of chatting with liners :) And love seeing some of the OGs on this thread
1:33pm on 2/6/25 by
January 2016 for me
1:56pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined 2018, chatted 2022!
1:56pm on 2/6/25 by
I might be the old man here. Joined 8/01/2005. Might be a charter member.
Bought our first UG @1989 so I did kinda precede
2:04pm on 2/6/25 by
Jan 2011, didn't find chat for a couple of years. But had the UG book in 1992/3- tear out plans or lug the whole book around.
2:05pm on 2/6/25 by
I carried the book with me in 2007. So funny to think about now.
2:25pm on 2/6/25 by
I was a few trips in before I was willing to not bring the book!
2:30pm on 2/6/25 by
I joined in 2012!
2:33pm on 2/6/25 by
It's when you saw others at a specific taps time- left for Splash or right for Space- also holding the book. I didn't know about dang daddy then
2:47pm on 2/6/25 by
2:47pm on 2/6/25 by
I've been lurking around here since 2011!
2:55pm on 2/6/25 by
6/10/2012 but I didn't chat until a couple years ago. I bought our first UG for our honeymoon in 1991 :)
@pop we used TourGuideMike for many years-I was really active on the forums back in the day!
3:08pm on 2/6/25 by
5/4/2007. So grateful for the community and infinite theme park knowledge!
3:09pm on 2/6/25 by
My acct date is in Sep 2014, but I believe I had another the year before when we started planning for our first family trip. Time flies!
3:22pm on 2/6/25 by
JJT (staff)
1/1/16 is our anniversary date. We love this app. So much info to be had. I always recommend it to everyone who asks about how we plan our trips. We usually go twice a year and alway check how crowded the parks will be before booking our trips.
3:52pm on 2/6/25 by
Feb 2014! Went quite a few times pre-covid and this app was the best! Then took a 7 year break but kept renewing my subscription so I could occasionally chat and lurk. Now we finally have a countdown and I've learned so much just from this chat!
4:03pm on 2/6/25 by
Feb 2014! Finding this place was eye opening. I learned so many fabulous tricks and saved lots of money!
4:05pm on 2/6/25 by
3/14. I love the liner family!
4:05pm on 2/6/25 by
4/2009. I left once for a few months but I missed this Liner family too much.
4:35pm on 2/6/25 by
2015 - shortly after I bought DVC.
4:43pm on 2/6/25 by
@whenuwish THERE IS NO ESCAPE :D
4:54pm on 2/6/25 by
JJT (staff)
Lurking since Aug 2013. I have learned so much from this great group.
5:07pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined April 10, 2010 with an Allears discount!
5:43pm on 2/6/25 by
weasus (staff)
Joined July 2019 to prepare for my 40th bday trip in 2020. Didn't happen then, but it finally is this year!
6:00pm on 2/6/25 by
6:07pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined 11/29/2015. Didn't discover chat until 2019.
6:13pm on 2/6/25 by
Sept. 15, 2013. A complete lurker until recently.
6:18pm on 2/6/25 by
1/5/2008-This has been by far the most valuable WDW resource for us.
6:30pm on 2/6/25 by
Sept 25, 2009. It was my birthday, and we were planning a Thanksgiving trip. First trip for DH
6:38pm on 2/6/25 by
11/27/16- mostly a lurker- just recently crossed the 1,000 chat mark! Grew up going to WDW, then was a longtime DL AP living in CA, but joined here when I moved to TX & became a WDW AP. So much great info learned thanks to you all!
6:47pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined May 2nd 2013. First post was May the Fourth about 24 hours at MK and Star Wars Weekends. Those were the days!
6:54pm on 2/6/25 by
6:55pm on 2/6/25 by
Opa-Wan Kenobi
8/18/09. How have 15+ years gone by so fast??
7:03pm on 2/6/25 by
7:45pm on 2/6/25 by
10/24/13 - (But I was posting under a friend's account for a bit before then. I caught the Disney after my 2013 trip and officially joined.) - many, many, many trips since then! Miss the old days of MVT deals for sure.
7:45pm on 2/6/25 by
I should add that I read Len's book for a 2004 trip!
7:47pm on 2/6/25 by
@eva I lurked for a long time my first post was 2012 .@SteveofEngland was always so welcoming to all that I jumped in
7:48pm on 2/6/25 by
12/26/10, although there was about a one year gap where I was feeling sorry for myself because I didn't see a trip on the horizon. I came to my senses and lived vicariously through you all until we got to travel Home again :-)
7:55pm on 2/6/25 by
Call me Leota
love all ya liners!
Amazing knowledge and kind hearted support
Also a tour guide Mike convert
7:58pm on 2/6/25 by
3/17/2013. Liners are such special, caring peeps. I am so ecstatic to be here!!!!
8:05pm on 2/6/25 by
I joined 2005 when Len was on the WDW Today podcast. It'll be 20 years!
9:00pm on 2/6/25 by
@JNDLTOT, I'm shocked you only have 1000 posts. You have a big presence here for only 1000 posts. You must say great things when you chat! ;)
9:04pm on 2/6/25 by
@eunice gets the prize for longest member with fewest chats. Member since 2005 and only 2 chats!! Welcome!
9:06pm on 2/6/25 by
2017 but almost at 40k chats. Lol :)
9:07pm on 2/6/25 by
Oh but i dont think i discovered chat till a couple years later. I started as a cover to cover book reader and became a big fan of optimizing custom TPs. What hooked me on chat was learning about late night lotto. and the rest is history.
9:09pm on 2/6/25 by
2010 for me with 1111 chats!
9:48pm on 2/6/25 by
2008 for me.
Wow. Time passes so quickly the older I get
9:50pm on 2/6/25 by
7-14-2014, I was planning our second family trip. I needed some advice after our near disastrous first trip!! Standing in the hot Florida sun for 45 minutes at RD to ride PPF did not impress DH - he said next again! Then I've found y'all, WDW happiness!
9:56pm on 2/6/25 by
2008 under a different email address. 9/16/2009 under this account, continuously since then. Lines Chat started 3/22/10. (15th Anniversary coming up!) Before that, users commented via TP blog article comments. My first Lines Chat was 8/31/10.
10:02pm on 2/6/25 by
2012 a three year old in tow need a plan
10:20pm on 2/6/25 by
4/1/2010 - but carried the book since 1998!!!
10:52pm on 2/6/25 by
Joined 2006. Had used the physical UG two years earlier, read cover to cover, and tore out those plans. They were magic!
3:25am on 2/7/25 by
Joined 2021 but was using the book since 1998 on our first trip.
5:18am on 2/7/25 by
Christmas Day 2010. My twins were 7. Now they're 21 and seniors at UGA. Where has the time gone??
5:33am on 2/7/25 by
Longtime Unofficial Guide reader, but I joined Lines in 2013 when DS was 3. He'll be 15 next week!
5:52am on 2/7/25 by
3/15/2011. DW and I previously used the UG to assist with our travel plans.
6:01am on 2/7/25 by
9/2010.. joined to look at the plans/wait times.
6:06am on 2/7/25 by
Joined in 2015 but didn't discover chat until a few years later.
7:01am on 2/7/25 by
6/2010! Joined to plan a big one time only trip with our kids. Have been with them 8 times now and one more already planned!
7:04am on 2/7/25 by
7:07am on 2/7/25 by
7:33am on 2/7/25 by
1/14/2012 - had a trip that year and 2015 but not since (boo) but still subscribe for the chat! (Well, have been to DLR since). Had the book in the 90s for a couple of trips.
8:27am on 2/7/25 by
@popup you joined a day after I did! My date was Halloween 10/31/2010. My DS was 7 and now he's in college! Thanks Liners for all the amazing advice, laughs, and virtual "friendships." You guys are awesome!
8:47am on 2/7/25 by
2-14-2018! Was planning our family's one and done trip ;)
8:48am on 2/7/25 by
8:52am on 2/7/25 by
So many fun responses! Thanks everyone! This is such a great community.
6:58pm on 2/7/25 by
@Call me Leota - you joined the day after me! Almost Liner twins. And @KatePerlin, we both joined in 2010 when our DSs (3 all together I guess, mine are twins) were 7. We have college kids now - - - soon to be actual adults!
10:16pm on 2/7/25 by
I lurked on page one for a while before I finally subscribed so that I could follow along on Steve of England's trip to WDW. Joined on 12/28/2010.
10:22pm on 2/7/25 by
2012. I can't believe it's been 13 yrs! Originally came for touring plans and lurked in chat for a long time. I was planning a blowout celebration at Poly to celebrate DSthen12's end of 8 yrs chemo. Once in a lifetime trip turned into APs & many trips.
11:04pm on 2/7/25 by
4/19/2007 There've been so many changes since then!
7:31am on 2/8/25 by
I joined on 1/1/2009 when planning our second family trip. Didn't discover chat until years later and then lurked for a long time before contributing. Now I love this positive, supportive group, where I can get my daily Disney fix!
9:02am on 2/8/25 by
2010, July. 15 years and I keep threatening to quit WDW and DLR but they keep pulling me in.
9:16am on 2/8/25 by
1/27/2011, for the first trip I was the primary planner for. TPs had been helping me look like a superhero to my family for 14 years (7 trips).
9:19am on 2/8/25 by
5/9/2011, I was looking for info for the updates to Star Tours!!
9:52am on 2/8/25 by
Nov 30, 2016!
10:15am on 2/8/25 by
2008 I love this community. Very helpful and entertaining.
8:54am on 2/9/25 by
6/8/2019. Seems like much longer!
8:55am on 2/9/25 by
Sept 2017 but took me until 2023 to chat! My big regret is not being on here during COVID. Would have been a nice escape!
9:10am on 2/9/25 by
It was, @rickel! We missed ya!
9:19am on 2/9/25 by
12/21/11! such a helpful resource and community! I'm a Disney expert thanks to TP!
9:39am on 2/9/25 by
10:29am on 2/9/25 by
JJT (staff)
Aw, thanks @Tumble! :)
Wow that's so great @JJT! Thank you for sharing!
11:22am on 2/9/25 by
@JJT, this thread is amazing. Thank you for saving it for us.
11:39am on 2/9/25 by
Oh this was a great reread! Thanks @JJT!
11:42am on 2/9/25 by
That was a fun time capsule! Thanks @JJT
11:49am on 2/9/25 by
7:02pm on 2/9/25 by
August 2015, OMG almost 10 years!!
7:50pm on 2/9/25 by