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"What's cookin'?" Shawarma spiced steak pita sandwiches with a nice green salad topped with tomatoes, Feta and vinaigrette. Last of the Lemon pudding cake for dessert. Let's see what you are having tonight!
4:20pm by
@stazastarfish: Shama Shama
48 min ago by
Happy Birthday @eva! Bacon wrapped pork loin, cauliflower steaks, and potatoes here. Fancy weeknight dinner since DD is home on spring break.
26 min ago by
Happy Birthday @eva! Glad your special day is so memorable!
< 1 min ago by
Been said before but I'll add: was able to go to Muppets 3D with family today. Last time ever. My kids can say they saw it. If they come with kids someday theirs won't be so fortunate. What a treasure.
1 min ago by
I hope I made good choices on LLMP. I chose ToT. What are the odds after tapping into first LL for TSMM or next one(slinky) they are from 9-11 am, will there will be an evening RnR? Looks like ToT was the one that would run out first of the two.
1 min ago by
WWYD?...currently have Pop (Cash), GF (points), and Coronado (cash) booked in August total of 17 days. Considering moving from Coronado (5 daty) back to Pop to save $300 which roughly covers food for 5 days.
7:08pm on 3/19/25 by
I'd be careful at Coronado if you'd dates are at the end of the month to as it seems d23 is 29-31 @coronado.
9:41am by
A room is a room. Cheaper for me means more trips later.
10:01am by
A room is a Zimmer. Does your dog bite?
2 min ago by
New DVC Rental Thread starting March 4th! Housekeeping: Find my Dedicated DVC Rental search engine here: https://jjtlinks.page.link/DVCRentalSearch
5:39pm on 3/4/25 by (staff)
7-night Poly Studio 07/05 for $421/night or 20% under 3-night BC Studio 07/18 for $367/night or 22% under 5-night Poly Studio 08/01 for $428/night or 18% under 7-night Poly Studio 08/02 for $421/night or 20% under
6:11pm by (staff)
2-night BC Studio 08/27 for $336/night or 28% under 8-night BR Studio 08/29 for $330/night or 21% under You can find all of these here: https://vacationclublife.com/rentals
6:11pm by (staff)
2-night Riviera Studio 06/02 for $391/night or 19% under median https://dvcrequest.com/bookings/rebook/10041835
19 min ago by (staff)
I'm trying to use the TP room finder for Boardwalk Inn. I'm confused at standard view and resort view on site - as I don't even see standard as a room you can book. We should have daybed resort view (5 people) don't see that as option in drop down. Tips?
4:09pm on 3/16/25 by
Disney is now calling a standard view a resort view. If it is a studio you will have the small pull-down bed under the tv in addition to the queen Murphy bed and standard queen bed.
4:14pm on 3/16/25 by
Thanks - is that the configuration for the villas and the inn at boardwalk? I thought only the villas had the Murphy bed.
5:31pm on 3/16/25 by
I may be too late for a request but any recs and/or areas to avoid? Floor preference ? We have resort view with 5 people.
6:53pm by
The Inn is 2 queens and daybed. BWI is my favorite place! Just beautiful! Do you want to be near the boardwalk? Or near the quiet pool? All sorts of options. Some rooms can be a long walk away from lobby.
25 min ago by
Southwest answered some questions about baggage policy for credit card holders. CC holders will get one free bag and that extends to up to 8 passengers flying under the same reservation.
6:04pm by
Yup, same as all other airlines with a credit card. No new distinction from anyone else. I am going to aa.
7:05pm by
I still don't have an email and I have a CC! What else has changed?
7:40pm by
Do you have to book the flight using that CC or just have one?
35 min ago by
No email here either and I have a SW cc too!
29 min ago by
Where are my late summer friends? Is anyone else waiting on some promos?
8:02pm on 3/18/25 by
What date did the deals start last year?
4:55pm by
I got an email about free dining promo coming out. I have a Disney visa and get early access. It is for dates June 29-sept 30, Oct 20-Nov 1 and Dec 6-22. Looks like no ticket discounts. This is for a 4n 4 day tickets with park hopper-non discounted.
6:03pm by
I would guess if there's no promo released by say Easter then there would be any. That's my guess but what do I know.
49 min ago by
Darn Disney moving marathon to "my" Oct week. DD can now come with me and I tried to add a day on to the end of current res-Friday of mar weekend. Nope. Nada. So, I'm trying wait-list for the first time but I'm not hopeful. Sigh, lol.
50 min ago by
Should I keep checking website myself, in addition to having the wait list out there?
50 min ago by
We have a full day at MK, but 3 friends are doing HS then hopping to meet us so their park reservation is for HS while ours is MK. When I look into buying MP for MK it says they need a park reservation. How can I book our MP rides together in MK?
8:23am by
Ohhhhh thanks @Totsy, I didn't think that I have AP but my family has convention tickets so I'll need to get mine separately. That stinks. I'm thinking I should do the three of them first, then me.
12:31pm by
So now they say they are using MP at HS so I told them buy MK and match with us as much as they can. I am not going to leave us hanging around waiting for them!
7:34pm by
If they are starting at HS and using HS that's where they need to buy. They can't buy MK but use it at HS before they've tapped in.
7:40pm by
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